14 Reasons Why Having a Camera is Much Better Than Having a…

1. You can press the shutter anytime you want to, and as often as you want.

2. A camera only asks for film and batteries.

3. A camera never asks you about your previous cameras.

4. Generally, cameras age well.

5. They have resale value.

6. It is easy to figure out how cameras work.

7. Cameras are accepted in pawnshops.

8. You can bring several along on a trip.

9. Cosmetic touch-up jobs are cheaper and last longer.

10. The more expensive the camera, the more confident you feel.

11. Disposable single-use cameras are widely available in malls.

12. Disposable single-use cameras are legal.

13. Lenses with small openings are very cheap.

14. If you end up with a lemon, you can always give it away.

(something I originally wrote for the “Viewfinder”, the internationally awarded publication of The Camera Club of the Philippines, when I was Editor-In-Chief in 2006, when film cameras were still in vogue)

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